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Alice &The Prof

navigating doctor-patient, patient-doctor relationships

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Join Alice Mayye and Prof Christopher Paul Szabo as they share their experiences of navigating the dynamics between doctors and patients.

At one time or another almost every person will be involved in a doctor-patient, patient-doctor experience. After collaborating on other projects, Alice and Prof were helped to realise their own lived experiences might offer insights into experiences often felt but not articulated by both patients and medical practitioners. And, when words have not been adequate Alice has used her camera lens and literature to help tell her story.  

We hope our stories and pictures help you travel your own unique healthcare journeys. 


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featured blog

THE VALUE OF: Telling your story

Showing empathy to anyone is made easier, or perhaps, possible through knowing their story. This applies to you and I too. I believe being able to hear your own story, told in your own words, is a primary step in finding perspective. Without perspective, true understanding of our lives is difficult and skew. Without understanding, figuring how to deal with tough times becomes twisty. But, equally and perhaps more importantly, without understanding spotting small wins and celebrating them can be lost.

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